N Butanol Price Trend, Demand, Chart, Index, News and Historical Prices Analysis

The n-Butanol market is primarily influenced by the intricate interplay between demand fluctuations in key sectors and logistical challenges. The US market, a significant player in the global n-Butanol landscape, has experienced a downturn due to decreased demand from Asia's construction and automotive industries. This slump is linked to a real estate crisis in China, exacerbated by post-festival reductions in activities following the Chinese Lunar New Year. Furthermore, logistical impediments such as drought conditions affecting the Panama Canal have hindered the ability of US suppliers to export n-Butanol to Asian markets, compounding the market's struggles. Despite attempts by major producers like Eastman Chemicals to counterbalance these trends with price hikes, these measures have not translated effectively into export prices, leaving the market bearish.

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