What is 4K HDR?
4K HDR (High Dynamic Range) refers to a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels with enhanced color and contrast capabilities. HDR technology allows cameras to capture a broader range of light and dark areas, resulting in more detailed and vibrant images. This technology is a game-changer in various industries, from filmmaking to medical imaging, where precision and clarity are paramount.

Analog 4K HDR Imaging Systems
Analog imaging systems rely on continuous signals to capture and process images. Despite being an older technology, analog systems are still used in certain applications due to their unique advantages. For instance, they offer lower latency and can operate without the need for extensive digital processing.

Digital 4K HDR Imaging Systems
Digital imaging systems convert light into electronic signals using sensors, which are then processed by digital circuits. This method allows for higher resolution and more detailed images. Digital systems also offer flexibility in post-processing, enabling users to manipulate images in ways that analog systems cannot.
