Gir Cow A2 Dry Whole Milk Powder at Goseva

Goseva's Gir Cow A2 Dry Whole Milk Powder is a game-changer for those seeking a healthier and more nutritious milk powder option. Made from 100% pure and unadulterated fresh milk from Gir cows, this milk powder is a perfect choice for those who want to invest in their health and nutrition. With its high calcium content and no added sugar or artificial sweeteners, it is ideal for invalids and children alike.

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A2 Whole Milk Powder -100% pure Fresh Unadulterated

A2 Whole Milk Powder -100% pure Fresh Unadulterated

A2 Milk Powder (Whole) is made from 100% pure and unadulterated fresh milk from Gir cows. Goseva is the first one to launch in India