Salesforce #marketing Cloud Magento 2 Connector is an #extension that connects #salesforce Marketing #cloud with Magento 2. #salesforce Marketing Cloud #connector for Magento 2 is based on a direct connection between the #magento2 and Salesforce Marketing Cloud to transfer the data. It means that no third-party #servers are involved while transferring your #data, preventing the risk of the data being compromised or lost.

Magento 2 Marketing Cloud Connector | Connect Your Magento 2 store with Salesforce Marketing Cloud  - WebKul

Magento 2 Marketing Cloud Connector | Connect Your Magento 2 store with Salesforce Marketing Cloud - WebKul

It is enhancing features of e-commerce and CRM platform with the concept of service first approach. It enables you to sync categories, Products, Customers & Orders from Magento 2 to Marketing Cloud.