What is infertility?

Trying for a baby and not getting pregnant can be a confusing and lonely journey. But you're not alone. Many couples face a medical condition called बांझपन (Banjhpan), which is infertility meaning in Hindi.

So, what exactly is infertility?
It's when a couple, despite trying for a year (or six months if the woman is over 35) with unprotected sex, is unable to conceive. This doesn't pinpoint the blame on just the woman; infertility can stem from issues with either partner or even a combination of factors.

Think of conception as a relay race: the sperm needs to meet the egg, fertilize it, and then the fertilized egg needs to implant itself in the uterus. A hitch anywhere along this path can lead to infertility.

The good news? There's often a reason, and with a doctor's help, many couples can find solutions. Remember, बांझपन (Banjhpan) doesn't define you, and there's a path forward to build your family.
