This is a how-to for beginning and ending a journey on Tarlen. When sharing a car, the check-in and check-out procedures are crucial. Rent a car for cash They let you, the owner, to record the state of the vehicle both before and after a journey.
Key transfer and license verification

Before giving your keys to your guest, it is crucial that you verify their driver's license. If you haven't verified their license and they aren't your principal renter, don't give them the keys.

Do not give up the key if your guest shows up to pick up the car without a license, with a license that is invalid or expired, or if they ask someone else to do so. Tarlen's insurance coverage on your vehicle may be nullified if you fail to verify their license. Additionally, turning the key over to someone other than the primary renter will nullify Tarlen's insurance on your car.

Report the incident and get in touch with assistance right away. Support can be contacted by email at or through the app.
Commencing your journey:
