Alleppey stands as a testament to nature's breathtaking beauty, showcasing a mesmerizing landscape adorned with shimmering rivers, lush greenery, and tranquil freshwater lakes. Its idyllic charm and serene ambiance make it an irresistible retreat for those yearning to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. A distinctive highlight of Alleppey is the Shikara, a finely crafted miniature wooden boat that gracefully navigates the region's waterways. Embarking on a Shikara boat ride emerges as the quintessential way to unravel the intricate network of canals and concealed water passages within the Alleppey backwaters. This immersive experience unveils the genuine essence of the enchanting lakes and backwaters, offering a unique opportunity to delve into the authentic village life. As you glide through the waterways on a Shikara, the surroundings unfold like a vivid painting, with every stroke revealing the rich tapestry of Alleppey's natural wonders. The tranquil journey not only provides a visual feast of scenic beauty but also allows for a deep connection with the local culture. It is a chance to witness life along the water's edge, immersing oneself in the rhythms of genuine village existence.

Alleppey Kumarakom Shikara Cruise Boating – Day cruise Ride

Book Alleppey Kumarakom Day cruise Ride - Shikara boat ride is the best option to explore the canals and hidden byways of the backwaters of Alleppey. The shikara boat ride will give you a true sense of the beautiful lake, backwaters and can enjoy the